Food for Thought

Community Awareness Campaign



The professional knowledge of the partnership between Vegies Unlimited and Nutricula Psychology draws attention to the link between eating fresh fruit & vegetables and how it impacts the brain.  It illustrates how this information can be used to improve various aspects of people's lives.

We are working to achieve the following outcomes:

* Reduce the local obesity rate

* Increase healthy living for locals

* Develop awareness of healthy living habits

* Educate the public on local produce, and supporting our farmers to build a more resilient  


* Promote a healthy lifestyle to reduce stress/anxiety and fatigue, and improve mental wellbeing

* Educate the public on how eliminating processed food from your diets will increase brain and body


* Educate the public about the links between food and the brain and how the correct food can help


                - Shift work effects

                - Memory improvement

                - Exam stress

                - Productivity at work

                - Motivation

                - Mood

                - Increased energy levels

                - Attention span

                - Sleep

We will achieve this through developing promotional material that highlights the impact eating fresh produce has on the brain and the body. 

Keep an eye on our facebook page and website for the release of this material.


Current publications:

Fuel Up for a Good Start Up

Know Your Brain Food

How to Boost Your Microbiome



Kiwi Fruit

Honey Dew




